Saturday, August 11, 2007

Smacked in the face

Of course, it wasn't literal, but I still felt the sting. The sting of guilt, shame. All this time....I should have been learning by the example the great men of faith before me have set. Men like my Dad, my good friend K, my I respect quite a bit. But instead, I fell right over my wagging tongue.

I've been so angry about the things going on in my church for the past few months, and I haven't been too discerning about who I discuss it with. How dumb am I! I could have listened, I could have learned, I could have saved myself the guilt I feel. I could have led by example and shown grace, forgiveness....some of those men even TOLD me to do that. But I let my need for vengeance and justice dictate my mouth.

God, forgive me! I pray that from now on, God will give me the self-control and grace that He has shown to me.

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