Saturday, August 30, 2008

Heavenly Football

Anyone who knows me or spends time with me will realize that of all sports, football is by far my favorite. I can't wait for the boys to play. I love it! I am in two fantasy football leagues and have been known to play 4 in a year, but cut back because of the baby coming this year.

The start of school and the hoopla on the news over the new Lucas Oil Stadium gets my family excited. We're devout Bears fans and devout Colts fans. I bleed blue and orange!

Luke has been wanting to play football at recess at school. I noticed one day last week that he had been taking his football that my dad gave him to school. I didn't say anything at the time because I wanted to think it over. The opportunity presented itself a few nights later when he had it out and announced he was going to put it back in his backpack for the next day's recess. I began talking to him about the significance of that football. It was the one Pappaw Bob had to play with him. It was the one that was very special. His brothers don't have one from Pappaw, but he does. Etc. My final statement produced silence in the room (a pretty significant accomplishment in my house). "Luke, that's the last football Pappaw will ever give you. If you lose it, it will be gone."

He paused.

His reply stunned me...made me proud...choked me was utterly amazing for an 8 year old boy.

"Maybe not," he said. "Maybe the next one will be gold."


Todd and Micah said...

That Lukster is a smart one. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle,

That comment took my breath away when I read it. You have an awesome kid there.

Carmen (micah's mom)

Shawna said...

I am alive and back in the blogging world. It's been sooo long since I've talked to you that I didn't find out you were expecting until a month ago! You have no idea how excited I am for you guys about your new baby girl!! Hope everything is going good with the pregnancy..Congratulations :)

hillwamp said...

They know more than we realize don't they!!!!
He is growing up too fast Michelle!
They are all beautiful as I know Maya will be!
Love, hugs and kisses, Aunt Pam