Thursday, November 13, 2008

Introducing Maya Hope Monize

Maya Hope was born a few days earlier than expected. She was supposed to share a birthday with Grandma Teresa on the 5th, but she decided to make her debut a little sooner. Mommy went in to labor on Sunday evening. Here is the information.

Maya Hope Monize
Born Monday, November 3, 2008 at 5:47 P.M.
7 pounds 14 ounces
21 inches long

Of course, we are all completely in love. :)


Kendra said...

Congrats! She is beautiful, simply gorgeous, and you look great in the pictures as well! We are so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful. Reminds me of Grace. God is good. It is wonderful to have a new little one in the house. She will have all those big brothers to protect her.
Keep the pictures coming when you can.

Carmen Barber Grace's me-maw

Anonymous said...

oh. my. gosh. ive been stalking you for DAAAAYYYS waiting for this!!! eeee! michelle...she literally looks absolutely PERFECT. gorgeous.. i cant wait to meet her :) i move back to the k-hole next weekend so expect a visit VERY soon! ps. your hair-way adorable.

The Hutsells said...

So what's it like having 5? People will stop and ask you, "Are they all yours?" like twice as much now. So happy she came with no problems. She's perfect!

Anonymous said...

Hey mommy!!! Congrats Michelle. What a BEAUTIFUL family you have. Who knew when we were in the old "Hosanna" van that you would have all these kids running around some day! :)