Thursday, January 1, 2009

This morning

Gabriel has this thing where out of the blue he will say things like, "I love you bigger than a chicken." or "I love you bigger than a house." This morning, he jumped up on my bed while I went back to gather my laundry. He gave me one of his famous lines, so I started bantering with him. Here's how it went.

Gabe: Mommy, I love you bigger than a crocodile.
Me: You do? Well, I love YOU bigger than an alligator.
Gabe: I love you bigger than a hippo!
Me: I love you bigger than a cow!
Gabe: I love you bigger than a chicken.
Me: Well, I love you bigger than a mongoose.
Gabe: What is that?
Me: I don't know!

Then I began tickling him and his laughter filled the back of the half.

Me: I love you bigger than a house.
Gabe: I love you bigger than a bigger house.
Me: I love you bigger than a train.
Gabe: I love you bigger than a bigger train.
Me: I love you bigger than a chocolate cake!
Gabe: That doesn't even make sense.

We both burst in to laughter. Funny, the was the ONE statement that actually DID make sense to me!

I love his laugh.

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