Friday, March 7, 2008

Say it isn't so!!

When Chad got home tonight and told me that his dad (an EMT) had told him that they had started putting up all kinds of signs around the hospital he now works for claiming that Diet Coke could link people to pancreatic cancer, I wanted to believe it was not true. How could something that has given me so many YEARS of delight be truly that bad for me? Then I sat down to the computer and googled it. Here are some links. See for yourself. It's going to be hard, but I think I have to give it up completely. I have been weening my way off of it for a few months because I really have found I like Gatorade's Propel water. But going cold turkey will be difficult. Still, after seeing what my dad went through this summer (especially since now it's a part of my family) I think it's best if I steer clear. You should, too.

Further searching showed a diet rich in red meat, pork, and processed meat increased the chances of pancreatic cancer by 70%.

Love ya!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

cmon woman! dont you have ANY thing to write about lately? :)