Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wall-E review

Well, I'm exhausted so I'll keep it relatively short.

I took the kids to see Pixar's new movie, Wall-E. It' at best. There were some funny moments, and the "message" was clear: We are a fat, dumb, lazy society that relies upon technology way too much, live in an overly comsumable world, and if we don't watch it, we're going to end up destroying our planet and too fat to walk.

Literally, the "hero" who saves the day at the end has to get up out of his hover chair and (*gasp*) walk.

My kids didn't really get the message but enjoyed the slapstick-like humor. There is a strong romantic element, as far as children's movies go. Girls may get more out of that than my 4 boys.

On the up side, there were no cuss words and no "near-cuss" words that I recall whatsoever. This didn't have the recent near-cussing like referencing the "Piston Cup" and using the phrase "What the --- ?" which has become so common. It was extremely kid-friendly in that regard.

I guess I'm just a little more optimistic than this movie wanted me to be. For instance, I love my internet and my cell, but I'm not so focused on techno-advances that I am entranced in a hover chair with a virtual screen in front of me - to the point that when it gets unexpectedly shut off I don't wake up from a trance. I don't eat every meal from a cup.

Some of it was a little too out there for me. I'll take good ol' movies like "Aladdin," "The Fox and the Hound," and "The Lion King." Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michelle, we TOTALLY agree. Very disappointing to us ... we were both a little frustrated by the clear agenda that was definitely not communicated through the previews. Cute, family-friendly and sweet, but certainly not what we expected or hoped for.