Monday, December 8, 2008

A day in the life...

Ok. If I could fast forward through one day, today would be a good candidate.

Within 15 minutes all of this happened today:
We were finishing up lunch, and Gabriel did the traditional "How many bites do I have to eat to get up?" My answer was 5. The baby started crying, so I went to get her when I heard this noise from the kitchen. I didn't place it at first probably because it was muffled by the infant cries in my ear. Then it hit me. Gabriel was throwing up. He had put the five bites in his mouth one after another without chewing and without swallowing. There was simply no room, so he was gagging and throwing it up. I was trying to get him to the trash can while holding Maya. We made it but not before half of it was on the floor. I managed to avoid getting splatterred...but he didn't. So I instructed him to change his clothes while I changed Maya. The odor coming from her diaper, I had gathered through all of this, was the reason for her dismay.

Satisfied that he was done gagging and knew what to do, I handed him a paper towel to wipe off his face and proceeded to the changing table in Maya's room. As I walked through the house, with her in my arms, I couldn't see the floor. I stepped in something cold and slimy. I looked down to see the cat had been sick...and it was squished between my toes and up my pants leg. Ok. Take a deep breath. Hop (with Maya in your arms) on one foot to her room to set her down so you can use baby wipes to get the worst off your feet before you boil them in hot water to get that off!!!! I managed to get her sat down, and I wiped my feet off, rolled up my pants so that if there was any on the cuff, it wouldn't smear on to the carpet. I changed my daughter, and she was poopy. Got her cleaned up, put her in her seat in the living room, changed my clothes, and got the carpet cleaner.

I finished cleaning up the carpet, and by that time, Maya was fussing again, so I picked her up and sat down in the recliner. I held her up in front of me...and she spit up all over my shirt! At least it wasn't all over her.

So I THOUGHT the worst was behind me, but when the boys got home from school, the fun began! They were so wound up that I finally banned them from talking until their chores were done. This was great for about 15 minutes. Next thing I know, Luke is running up to me with his lips pinched shut, since he was not allowed to speak per my decree, and he's pointing hysterically while MMM MMM MMMMMM-ing to avoid talking and get me some kind of message. From his urgency, I knew he had to talk, so I said he could. He frantically started to tell me that someone (NOT HIM, of course) had been in the bathroom and put tooooooo much toilet paper in it, and there was water on the floor. I ran in there to find about an inch of water all over the floor and the toilet still overflowing. He was right. Gabriel had put an entire box of kleenex in the toilet for some reason. Gabriel went running to his room yelling repeatedly, "I'm sorry!!!" I started giving directions for towels. My attempts to turn off the valve were not working, so I lifted the lid to see the mess in the toilet bowl. I knew there was only one thing I could do. I had Evan go get me some Walmart bags. He came running back, and I dove in with my hands to get the mess out. As soon as I did, the water went right down. The boys started mopping up with towels...and I had to change my entire outfit (AGAIN) because my pants were wet around the ankles and my sleeves were wet up to the elbows.

I love being a mommy!


Heather said...

WOW......what a day!!!
I'm glad you made it through!! It's amazing all the things you go through and LIVE to tell about it!!
I love reading all your stories about the kids. I miss you guys bunches and am looking forward to a visit this summer!

Anonymous said...

Seriously Michelle, you should write a memoir. I can't help but smile....these days are still to come in my life.