Friday, February 8, 2008

For a gifted person....

...I really don't get some of the stuff I'm reading in Exodus (see previous posts to understand title of this post! HA!). Can anyone enlighten me as to why the Israelites in the dessert had to build things with this color thread or that color? With this gold overlay and that exact measurement? With rings on the corners of this piece or that? Maybe I'm missing something. Is it just so God could test the limits and precision of their obedience? Were there historical or cultural significances in these measurements or colors? It seems a little like busy work in school, reading about how many inches high a curtain was. Was it so they could easily measure and realize exactly what it was they were holding years later? Were these things ever recovered? Any suggestions are better than the questions of "What's the point" that are swirling around in my head. I don't want to seem immature and I don't want to seem irreverent...I just don't get it.

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