Monday, February 11, 2008


I was very proud of my kids in 2nd and 3rd grade tonight. We had our concert. (Songs We Love - get it??? It's in Feb. close to Valentine's Day....) It was FANTASTIC. More people gushed over it than any concert I've ever done. It was such a relief. The new superintendent was rumored to be there, and if she liked it half as much as the people who talked to me did, then THAT's a good thing.

I'm serious. I think MAYBE one other concert when I was teaching high school comes close. These little guys in gals in their dresses and ties were fabulous!

Who would have guessed I would have thought 8 year olds were as well rehearsed and talented as these kids were. They just had FUN. But they weren't out of control. It was nice.

I hope I have more like that --- the ones I can walk away from and not think of the "gliches" but think of the FUN we had together doing cool stuff - like getting fourth graders to SING IN 3 PART HARMONY!! (Oh yeah!! They did!!! Those of you who know are impressed by that!!! I know it!)

It feels good....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep...that's impressive. 4th graders singing 3 part harmony doesn't just happen. It sounds like you've got some great kids, and it sounds like they've got a great teacher!