Ok, so our vacation was in July. I'm sorry. These are of a trip we took to see my mom and her husband, Jon, in Montana.
These are all pictures of us in the van or on our way, stopping at Mount Rushmore. Let me tell you, it's one of those places where you say, "Ok I've been there." But it's a lot of drive to see a big rock. You look at it, take pictures for 5 minutes and load back up in the van...still, the kids can say they have been there.

The first day we got there, the kids, Chad, and I were amazed at where my mom actually lives. The view is breathtaking. The following pictures were taken from her back deck or yard. The kids especially got a kick out of riding the four-wheelers. We did that almost every day with them...and yes, we drove up some of the mountains you may see in the pictures. It was a blast. I took the slower of the 2 that they own, and the kids were just as happy to let me drive them more carefully (since I was/am pregnant). It was a lot of fun!!

One of the highlights of our trip was our trip to Yellowstone National Park. We saw so much wildlife, but my camera ran out of batteries!! THAT was frustrating. We saw a few female moose, tons of buffalo and elk and antelope, a few eagles, and 2 grizzly bears. The grizzlies were the highlight!! Evan got so scared, he hid under his seat in the van. Among the wildlife at Yellowstone, the boys went on a hike with Jon to get some energy out. The hike seemed to take forever. Mom and I waited for them back at the van. Anyway, along the way, they saw an elk carcas. They were pretty fired up to see those elk bones. They also got to see stinky geysers, too. We saw Old Faithful. It was like Mount Rushmore. You get all hyped up, it erupts, and then you turn around and walk away. But you can say you've seen it. They had a much better time seeing the animals in the park. Drew was the best. He would get out the map and look at the back of it where the animals were listed by pictures and labels that you might be able to find in the park. He'd pretend he had a pencil in his hand and talk in his tour guide voice and say, "Elk? Check. Antelope? Check. Chipmunk? Check. Buffalo? Check. Grizzly Bear? Check." With each "check" he would act as if the imaginary pencil was crossing it off the list. It was cute.

Another fun activity was swimming in their lakes. The water was ICY!!! But the sun was hot, so it was a weird combination. The kids would freeze in the water but if you stayed out of it, you were too hot. Anyway, they got a kick out of swimming in lakes. One was near the Grand Tetons...and Jon and Chad got a kick out of teaching my little guy what the Tetons could represent. Every time they'd mention the Grand Tetons, Gabriel would shout "BOOBIES!!!" I was embarrassed, Daddy was impressed. I think he may have forgotten about it all by now. Let's hope!

And then there was Bear Tooth Pass or "Top of the World." It is the highest point in Montana. You wind up this path all the way to the top of this mountain. It's breathtaking. Pictures cannot do it justice. I could have gone there every day. We saw a billy goat the first time we went up, but it was night time, so I didn't have my camera out at all. He jumped over the railing pretty quickly, too, so I don't think I would have gotten a shot if I had had it out. The last trip there, the boys got out and wrote their names in the snow. Again, the view was more than amazing. I wish I could capture it on film. These just aren't quite good enough.

Another fun family time this summer was when Todd and Micah brought Grace home for her first birthday. I know they posted pictures of her on their site, but we have a few, so I'll post them, too. She was really cute opening her presents and eating that cake. We enjoyed her party.

These pictures are of the boys on their first day of school. I hate that I miss taking them every year. Our school system starts the same time the one I work for does, and I hate to miss the first day or so...anyway, Chad got to take them and get pictures.

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