Sunday, October 19, 2008

False Alarm & A Birthday Party

Well, it's like the doctor said..."Every time you're close to delivery, it's as if your body WANTS to go in to labor. You just can't get it done."

Without going in to ALL the sordid details, I will say that Friday night was painful and long. At about midnight (which is when I went to bed), I started contracting. At 1 AM, I was having them every 8 minutes. Chad was still up playing Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii (as he is even now...and every night). I walked out and said, "Let's go." He asked what I meant. I told him what was happening, and he said I needed to call the hospital first. I said that I would call on the way there. (After talking in the last few doctor's appointments to the nurse practitioner and to the doctor himself, he said if I had a night like that one again I should just go on in to the hospital to be checked. Better safe than sorry.)

Well, here's the bottom line. I contracted until 6 or 6:30 AM and stayed at 3 minutes apart (which is what I was when I got to the hospital) the entire time. I won't say that ALL of them were excruciating, but I will say that at least every other one could have doubled me over. They hurt! HOWEVER, I was 36 weeks and 6 days. Apparently "full term" isn't until 37 weeks. Had this happened one day later, I would have had a better chance of having him deliver Maya, but that wasn't 100% guaranteed. There was one other factor that needed to be a little more aggressive besides it needing to be one more day!!! (Again, I'm sparing you the sordid details on a public blog, here!)

So, a defeated but somewhat unsurprised me left the hospital at about 11:30 AM Saturday morning. Like I said, everytime I get close to labor, I have false alarms. It's kind of discouraging. Anyway. we made it back for the boys' flag football tournament's final half of their third game. They were upset to have lost, and I hated to miss it...but I needed to go in.


Gabriel had his 4th birthday party today. It went well. His actual birthday is on Tuesday, the 21st. But being the absent-minded pregnant person that I am, I took absolutely NO pictures. What kind of mother am I? I can't believe it. I thought about it once before everyone got there, but the thought obviously escaped me. So I apologize to anyone who wouldn't have enjoyed pictures - and to Gabriel for having nothing to show for it.

He enjoyed the party, though. His little "thank you's" to grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, were so innocent and pure. Cute stuff! Gotta love him!

I am predicting that Maya will share a birthday with Gabriel. Maybe it's just wishful thinking... We'll have to wait and see.


Anonymous said...


Don't feel badly about missing pictures. Take some on his actual birthday of him as he opens Grandma Teresa's and then blog those. She'll get to see them and he will have pictures for his special day! You are a great mom with lots on your plate. Hang in there!

hillwamp said...

Bless your pea pickin heart!
I agree with above blogger, just take some on his birthday!
You have too many irons in fire girlfriend. Try to rest and take it easy. Maya is just waiting for Mamaw Teresa to come home I guess. However, for your sake I hope she is here tomorrow on Gabe's birthday. Give him a hug for me.
Love you,
Aunt Pam
Keeping you in my prayers and it is going to happen soon!!!!

Todd and Micah said...

Happy Birthday Gabriel! I hope you had a wonderful birthday today.

Michelle, I've had his present for over two weeks, but for some dumb reason I didn't send it out in time. I'm sorry. I hope to get it out to you this week.

And Mama, I know how you feel. I was contracting with Grace FOREVER! It's really discouraging to go in and think, "This is it!" and then have them send you right back home again. But you're gonna make it. You just hang in there. She'll come when she's ready :)

Love you all. Keep us posted.