Sunday, January 27, 2008


I have to say I have done quite well on some of my resolutions. In particular, I am especially glad that the most important one has been so easy to maintain! I have read the Bible almost every day, and when I have missed, I have been sure to double up the next day. I have one of those "One Year Bibles" that is actually split by the four seasons in to four different books in the set. When I got it I was under the impression that the topics that you would read about would actually be seasonal. Even though this has not been true, I am finished with Genesis and most of Matthew. It adds some Psalms and Proverbs each day as well. I had forgotten how much I have enjoyed Genesis in the past. But I can't help but think that all these men who found favor with God had so many flaws. On the one hand when I read it, I think to myself How in the world could these guys get blessed so much? They lie. They sleep with whoever their wives send to them. And their wives SEND other women in! I have to remember that was a cultural thing, but still something I can't imagine being okay with. They sell their brothers in to slavery....and the list goes on and on. Then on the other hand, I think of the times they obeyed, to unthinkable, unspeakable degrees. Who would actually intend to sacrifice their own son after waiting so long for his birth? I guess it gives me hope that through all my flaws, God can somehow find favor in me. Of all the people so far, I think I admire Joseph the most. He seemed to be so good at following God's commands, so meticulous in the way he dealt with people.

I'm also pretty jealous of those Old Testament men. I mean, it says God walked with them. How awesome is that??? Besides being in the presence of the Holy Lord, they got to take out all guess work. It wasn't like they had to ask themselves Was this truly the direction God wanted me to take my life? Or was I imagining that I was being lead that way? Sometimes I wish God still made that part of life for me just as easy. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm glad we don't have to do the whole sacrificing of animals and stuff. There are definite advantages to being in the 21st century. I'll stay here, thanks.

Another thing (and probably the most prominent point) that impresses me about the way these people in the beginning actually lived was that wherever they were, it didn't matter - they would stop what they were doing, build a monument and worship God. They didn't worry about their surroundings. They didn't have to have this element right, the lighting just so, these select group of people around them, the church looking a certain way, the songs sounding this way or that. No, they just seized the moment to worship. SEIZED the moment. Do I seize the moments I have to worship? Do I crave to do it constantly? Daily? Do I reserve "worship" for the 15 minutes of songs on Sunday morning? Do I realize that worship isn't a service in a building we call a church, it's a lifestyle?

I'm captivated by the thought of living an eternity of praise and worship. I admit sometimes I find myself reserving my "worship time" for a few songs on Sunday. It's not about that. It's a way of life. It was Abraham's way of life. It was Jacob's way of life.

O God let us be a generation that seeks, that seeks your face, O God of Jacob.


Anonymous said...

I just started re-reading Genesis last week, and I am really enjoying it as well. It is amazing to me how what so many people view as Sunday School stories can teach so much truth. I'm glad that I'm reading it again and that I'm not missing out on those truths.

Anonymous said...

Great post Michelle. I also love Joseph ... what a great example. Wait until you get to Nehemiah - we've been in a series on him at church and it's been SO amazing. Nehemiah was just an ordinary guy who said "yes" to God and did some pretty extraordinary things simply out of obedience. No Red Sea parting, no burning bushes ... just obedience and I can relate to that.

Thanks for the great reminders!